Disability Programs

Wayfinder Disability Programs are grant funded projects designed to help people with disability to have better access and connection to the local community.

As part of making these programs accessible our content on this page is all written in “Plain English”. We do this so that all people who access the page find it as easy to understand as possible.

Should you require any more details on any of the programs please contact our Disability Services Program Manager:
Tom Davidson
M: 0467 900 733
E: tom.davidson@jobpathways.org.au

Alternatively you can reach out to the contacts listed for each program.

Building Accessible Workspaces

Helping employers become more accessible and people with disability join the workforce.

This program helps employers and people with disability to work together. We support employers by looking at their workplace from the view of a person with disability. We also support employers to become more accessible. We do this by helping them to improve their workspace by providing resources for any changes. This program will help employers add reliable employees to their workforce. We are also supporting people with disability to become job ready. Any people with disability who would like to get a job will get support from EKJP to develop a job plan and job skills. People who come into the program will have their skills matched to suitable jobs to set them up for success.

Formal Support Pathways

Helping people to get work in the Disability Services Industry.

This program is for people who would like to get a job in the disability services industry. You may have experience looking after someone with a disability in your family. You might also have experience looking after young kids or older people too. We will help you get training and work experience so that you get a qualification that will help you get a job. As a part of the program we will also help you get the checks you need to work. When applying for the program you need to do some police checks. If you have criminal history you may not be able to join in so please let our program coordinator know.

To get involved or for more information contact:
Tom Davidson
M: 0467 900 733
E: tom.davidson@jobpathways.org.au

All Abilities Sport & Rec

Helping people with a disability access local sport.

This program is for people who have a disability and would like to be more active. The aim of the program is to help people with a disability to get involved in local sport. We do this by supporting people to become more active and confident.

Denzel can help participants gain new skills which make it easier to join a sports club. He does this by getting to know each participant and planning a program with them. Denzel also helps his participants to meet with sports clubs. This helps to support the club and participant by making sure they build a good connection.

To get involved or for more information contact:
Denzel Miller
M: 0467 900 915
E: denzel.miller@jobpathways.org.au

Enquire about Disability Programs

PLEASE NOTE: You don't require an NDIS plan to participate in Wayfinder's Disability Programs.
