17 May 2024

Kalumburu Jobseekers Complete Agriculture Pre-Employment Program

Job Pathways is proud to share that jobseekers Jacob Burgu and Jermine White recently completed the Nyamba Buru Yawuru Agriculture pre-employment program. The program name is in Yawuru, and means ‘for you to rise up to work.’

These dedicated jobseekers travelled all the way from Kalumburu Community to Roebuck Plains Station for the 8-week program. This provided them with the opportunity to develop core employability skills, life skills, as well as training and exposure to the Agriculture Industry. The program included On Country trips, team building, developing stockman skills and achieving a Certificate II in Leadership and Agriculture. Having completed the Agriculture pre-employment program and with support from Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemen’s Association, they have successfully obtained full-time employment.

In collaboration with Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Job Pathways supported these jobseekers sign up to the program, provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), making travel arrangements, as well as Post Placement Support throughout the program.

Congratulations to Jacob and Jermine as they step into their roles as emerging leaders in the cattle industry. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours in the wild west!

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